
Review pictures from our 2022

Competition Medals and Trophies very kindly sponsored this year by DJ Eade Jewellers, Cavendish Place Eastbourne

Competition Classes 2024

General Classes Senior

AFV (single vehicle +1 fig max./simple base)

  1. AFV 1/72-1/76
  2. AFV 1/48-1/56
  3. AFV 1/35
  4. AFV 1/16 and larger

AFV Diorama (multiple vehicles, multiple figures)

  1. AFV smaller than 1/72
  2. AFV 1/72-1/76
  3. AFV 1/48-1/56
  4. AFV 1/35 and larger

Aircraft (simple base allowed)

  1. Aircraft Under 1/72 (inc. 1/100 & 1/144)
  2. Aircraft 1/72 scale
  3. Aircraft 1/48 scale
  4. Aircraft 1/32 scale
  5. Aircraft 1/24 +

Aircraft Diorama (inc. a vehicle  and 2 + figures)

  1. Aircraft 1/72 + smaller
  2. Aircraft 1/48
  3. Aircraft 1/32
  4. Aircraft 1/24 + larger



  1. Civil transport cars, trains, motorcycles and motorsports, no figures  –  any scale     
  2. Civil transport diorama multiple cars, trains, motorcycles and motorsports + figures – any scale     


  1. Figures             foot or mounted civil & military – any scale


  1. Busts Civil & Military – any scale


  1. Flats any subject, any scale


  1. Vignettes any subject any scale


  1. Sci-Fi /Space/Fantasy figures, hardware and comic book characters – any scale


  1. Ships and Maritime smaller than 1/350 (inc.1/700)
  2. Ships and Maritime 1/350 and larger (inc. 1/200)


  1. Miscellaneous any subject not covered by the above


General class – Junior                   any subject – any scale

(under 16)


Additional trophies


Best in show – Senior


Best club/branch display


Best SIG display

Welcome to the website of IPMS East Sussex, Hailsham & District Scale Model Club.

We are a group of like minded modellers who's interests span all forms of scale modelling.


Southdown Model Club

Aldingbourne Modellers 

Tangmere Scale Modellers IPMS

Medway Modellers

IPMS Mid Sussex

East Kent Model Group

West Kent IPMS

Hornchurch IPMS (tbc)

Bognor Regis Model Club

Farnborough IPMS

Horsham Model Club

Forest Row Model Club

North Surrey Military Modelling Group

West Middlesex Scale Model Club

North Somerset Model Club

Silver Surfers Modelling Club

Gravesham Military Modelling

IPMS London

Surrey Scale Model Club

IPMS Just for Fun Modellers

IPMS Kitmaker - British Bulldogs


Harrier SiG

Sci-fi and Fantasy SiG

Douglas Propliner SiG 

SSNAP (Ships Subs 1/350 Sig

Airfix Modelling SiG

Military Transport SiG

Recce SiG

Airport, Aerodrome and Airfields SiG


Models for Heroes



Colin Lee

Brigade Models

Models for Sale

Freightdog Models

HB Models

Frome Model Centre

R. Brooks Models


Kinetic Model Kits

Aeromodeller Books

Northstar Models


Sovereign 2000

Pol Models

Guideline Publications

HMA Books

2024 Model Show

Traders and Club/Exhibitors confirmed as attending as 26/03/24

Hailsham & District Scale Model Club © 2024